A fine first word! And you know, that makes me curious what mine was…can’t say I ever thought about asking. And sports really is that great connective thread. I would check out football history books from the school library and then try to use the written plays during recess. Part of me misses doing chores for an uncle who would pay be a buck and then I’d run out to the corner gas station to buy a new pack of cards (although I’m pretty sure he paid me a buck just to stop bugging him).
And you were close, although just a bit off with your team guesses. I grew up in East Lansing, where MSU is. But I was a Michigan fan. And my dad was from Toledo, so he was an OSU fan. That always made going to Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners in Ohio interesting. And my first baseball game was to old Tiger Stadium in Detroit. Ha, although I grew up a Chicago White Sox fan. So I completely let my dad down in my sport team selections.