I touch on it from time to time. Maybe I'll revisit it more in-depth. I've run into way more breed-specific problems than pet problems. When going to a country there's usually very specific paperwork to obtain. It's really straight forward, although visits to vets/final approvals must come usually within 10 days of leaving, so as long as you're okay with time management it's not much of a problem.
I also don't take her everywhere. She's with me here in Argentina, but if I'm going to visit somewhere for a week or two it's not worth the strain and stress (for both of us) to take her with me, so a pet sitter stays with her in my apartment.
But really, the biggest problems I've run into are because she's a pit bull. Lots of countries have restrictions/bans on her and similar breeds. I base what countries I can or cannot move to based heavily on that (places like Colombia, Croatia, and pretty much the entire Caribbean are no-gos).
In the end though, it's very much worth having her around, even if it's inconvenient at times. I think it's been a while since I put together a full article specifically on the subject, so maybe I'll do that in the coming weeks.